I'm a Soccer Mum not Soccer Mom

I'm a Soccer Mum not Soccer Mom

I used to be the type of person who would rather watch paint dry than sit through a soccer match. As an AFL girl born and bred (go Doggies!) the concept of watching soccer voluntarily seemed foreign to me (at least outside of Word Cup time!). However, now, thanks to my kids and husband, my life has taken a sudden turn and I find myself knee-deep in soccer gear, games, and goals. How did this happen? How did I go from soccer hater to Soccer Mum extraordinaire?

It all started innocently enough. My kids started showing an interest in soccer, and being the supportive parent that I am, we found ourselves on the sidelines cheering them on. Little did we know that those early Saturday morning games would soon become the highlight of our week (and the bane of our sleep-in).

And then there's my husband, the Football (as no self respecting Englishman says soccer) fan. His passion for the game is contagious, and before we knew it, I had a family watching match highlights, discussing player stats, and myself even attempting to kick a ball around (with questionable success).

Before I knew it, it was no longer the Western Bulldogs shenanigans that we keenly followed but Chelsea FC. From driving the kids to practice to washing grass stains out of jerseys, I became fully immersed in the world of the beautiful game. 

At first, I cringed at the term "soccer mum." It felt so... suburban, but then I realised that being a soccer mum (yes, with a "u" - thank you, Australia) was actually pretty awesome and I was so proud of my kids achievements in the sport. When it came time to buying gifts for the other soccer-loving families and kids we knew, I couldn't help but notice a trend - everything was labeled "soccer mom."

That's how the idea of Soccer Mum was born. A place that Aussie families (and our Mum spelling counterparts) could find soccer themed gifts that had our spelling and our personal twist on the game.

So, here I am, a full-fledged soccer mum, embracing the chaos, the camaraderie, and the occasional mud-stained uniform and building a business to help other mums do the same. Who would have thought that a sport I once despised would become such a big part of my life? But hey, that's the beauty of soccer - it has a way of bringing people together, even if it means sacrificing your weekends, school holidays, quiet evenings and public holidays for the love of the game.

Bec Taylor 

(Owner of Soccer Mum)

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